Trello 100% fixed that for me. Also, as someone who NEEDS my little dopamine reward whenever I do a task I found a little trick. If you put the 🎉 (party horn emoji) in the title of a list it blows a bunch of confetti over the screen whenever you drag a task into that list 😁
I can use that to hyper-focus on my tasks. But before I do that, I have to list, prioritize, and organize my tasks. But before that, I should create a layout for my tasks. What statuses should I have. Should I use deadlines?
“It worked for me! Now all my projects are organized and it’s so much easier than when I was keeping everything in my head… After I was able to sit down and focus for a day to import all my data and organize it and set up the program to tailor to my application and now that I go back to it to reorganize my new info every week…”
Trello 100% fixed that for me. Also, as someone who NEEDS my little dopamine reward whenever I do a task I found a little trick. If you put the 🎉 (party horn emoji) in the title of a list it blows a bunch of confetti over the screen whenever you drag a task into that list 😁
Ah, Trello.
I can use that to hyper-focus on my tasks. But before I do that, I have to list, prioritize, and organize my tasks. But before that, I should create a layout for my tasks. What statuses should I have. Should I use deadlines?
What was I doing again?
The problem with every organization app.
“It worked for me! Now all my projects are organized and it’s so much easier than when I was keeping everything in my head… After I was able to sit down and focus for a day to import all my data and organize it and set up the program to tailor to my application and now that I go back to it to reorganize my new info every week…”