Here’s some on my list:
Red Dead Redemption 2 - I do not want to deal with the Rockstar Games launcher.
Tom Clancy’s Breakpoint - The game’s add-on packs feel like Ubisoft is trying to nickel and dime gamers who would instinctively buy the GOTY equivalent of a title. I do not want to deal with a Ubisoft launcher or account.
Zombi - According to the Steam reviews it required a Uplay login to validate the game before you play and that version of the Ubisoft service no longer exists. This seems to have been rectified but I still don’t trust it and don’t want to go through the refund process if it hasn’t.
Skyrim VR - I’ve already bought too many copies of Skyrim.
A bit of a “this is why I pirate” thread but more targeted at individual games.
a few weeks ago I have seen watchdogs legion in a few streams an liked it. Recently it had a sale (maybe now again) but saw that it uses denuvo, the ubisoft launcher and that it needs a ubisoft account. no thank you. I’ll rather pirate it and be reassured that it’ll have less malware in it
A couple of Sony games because they don’t want to sell them in my country 🤷 They leave no other choice but to pirate them.
Ghost of Tsushima is well worth pirating!
X4 Foundations Community of Planets Edition. Got it on GOG instead which was cheaper due to local prices. This is quite rare since usually it’s the other way around.
I’m not giving America any of my money right now.
Other than GOG is there even any other storefronts that don’t give you a steam key that aren’t American?
Tangentially related but I was browsing the list of Steam curators and I was surprised by how many of them are dedicated to discouraging people from buying games from specific countries.
I got fed up with Rockstar Launcher so I got myself a cracked version of Red Dead 2 a few days and I can’t believe I put up with that goddamn launcher for as long as I did.
Next up I’ll be trying the Red Dead Redemption remake/remaster.
I won’t buy any paradox games because they invariably end up with 100 DLCs each
And for all the money you spend on a Paradox game, you end up with something that feels like a half-finished beta.
Studio fan death by 1000 papercuts.
This is where I’ve gotten to with their games as well. I love them, but tired of it basically becoming an MMORPG DLC subscription.
Most of the game genres they excel at are the type I like buying and playing because they are complete from day one, and you maybe get 1 to 3 DLCs. Like movies, the trilogy (original game and two nice DLCs) is the sweet spot.
Stellaris got insane and most of the individual races should have been bundled somehow into larger expansion packs.
Anything with DRM. I refuse to put up with it anymore.
Including Steam DRM?
Depends what you mean, Steam is not DRM, most of the game is sells don’t have DRM. However Steam API has a DRM feature that developers can use of they choose to.
So what do you mean?
then why can’t i download an installer without using their client?
because the game itself wants to load the steamapi program library and connect to the steam client. but there is no encryption or other heavy protection involved. grab a steamemu (like the famous goldberg emu), install it for the game (basically copy/replace a file) and done
Most of the games Steam sells are also shovelware.
Major releases typically use at least Steam DRM, and Steam itself only mentions if 3rd party DRM is included. So in most cases, you can’t know if a game uses Steam DRM until after you’ve installed it.
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown looks like a banger, but I am unwilling to spend any amount money on it until Ubi gets the memo and strips Denuvo from it (at least outside of the launch window).
Hell Let Loose, simply no time.
I’m not sure if you meant literally no free time to play video games, or just not willing to make time for a perceived steep learning curve, but if it’s the latter then maybe you could reconsider. The basics can be learnt very quickly via YouTube and it’s possible to have quite a bit of fun casually playing an hour here or there as the Rifleman class simply treating it like a milsim Battlefield without ever diving into the deeper mechanics.
Don’t know about what OP meant but for me it’s no time (or willpower) to deal with communications. Because of this I never really got into the game. I would play (and a lot) if there was a skirmish mode with bots.
It’s actually not a very comms heavy game now. Like some players definitely enjoy their milsim call-outs and coordinating more closely with their squad, but a lot of players like myself are just totally silent. It was added to Xbox Game Pass last year, and that has introduced a ton of more casual players.
Huh, maybe I should check it again some time. Thanks for the heads up.
The former; the gunplay, maps, and strategical aspects seem excellent, and it looks beautiful. But I spend about 20 minutes in gaming spread over Quake Live and FPV. SkyDive. These are perfect to just play a quick match or two.
Yeah that’s fair, it’s definitely not that kind of game. A match does take quite a long time (although you are under no obligation to stay for the whole thing, again like Battlefield). Hopefully you have some free time to try it out at some point in the future, if it’s something you’re still interested in!
I mean pretty much anything from EA, Ubisoft, 2K, Blizzard/Microsoft, Xbox, Rockstar, etc.
I did actually end up buying a Sony game after they dropped the account-linking requirement.
I’ve wanted to try out NFS Unbound for a while now, it regularly goes down to single digit prices but I’d rather eat shit than install an EA launcher on my machine.
I don’t think I’ll buy Stellaris DLC unless it’s 90% off
Is the game on sale?
Many DLC are.
Idk about the base game
I got caught out by RDR2, tried playing it a few evenings ago, even signed up for a crappy Rockstar account only to be greeted by the “this game is registered to another account” message. Screw them
Got this when I went to play fucking Max Payne 3 a few months ago. Why the hell does a 10 year old name need a rockstar account and why is it such a pain in the dick to restore access? It was easier to just pirate the fucking game and actually own it.
Red Dead Redemption 2
RDR2 went on sale for $20 a couple of months back which was about what I was willing to pay for it, so I grabbed it then. I tried playing it and it’s just boring. WAY too much riding around on horses just getting to the next bit of action or story. I dropped it and doubt I’ll ever get back to it.
I knew this was a horse riding simulator and I had zero interest. like, how did that sneak up on you?
fuck the guy who thought fast travel is bad for immersion
Fast travel is a bit hidden in that game. You have to upgrade the boss’s tent to unlock it.
I did get far enough to unlock fast travel, but it’s extremely limited to the point of uselessness.
The assassin’s creed games because of Uplay being a pain on linux.
Lol I was trying to play Dragon Age games a couple months ago, and the EA app is so terrible that I couldn’t get them to run on windows. But on Linux in the proton sandbox? No problem, worked right out of the box. 😂😂
Apparently the next one wont require uplay (on steam) and will be supported on linux. I’m still not interested in it because of the trend of assassins creed becoming supermassive open world RPGs but it would be nice if it became a trend.
Assassin’s Creed died a long time ago. The skinwalkers can’t compare.
Absolutely this. I have to admit I’m seeing some things I like in Shadows much more akin to what we should have been having for the past decade but I just don’t trust Ubisoft anymore and even on Deaths’ door they can’t let the corpo scummery go and I refuse to have Uplay or Denuvo infect my computer so I’ll not play it until it’s been broken.
I liked Origins, but not as an Assassins creed game. I’d say Assassins Creed died with Syndicate.
I played Anno 1800 with Proton a week or two ago and it worked just fine… I didn’t have to log in, I just exited Uplay when it popped up and the game still worked.
Dunno if that’s the case for all Uplay games or if I got lucky.