I mean that they’re heavily invested in the system because they’ve got something to lose. As in, they don’t want the system to end even though they’re suffering because they might lose their chance to retire and their accumulated wealth.
I mean that they’re heavily invested in the system because they’ve got something to lose. As in, they don’t want the system to end even though they’re suffering because they might lose their chance to retire and their accumulated wealth.
And the working class trying to be rich parasites. Anyone can trade shares now. Anyone with a pension is heavily invested.
Hypocrisy? Yes I understand it very well.
That you yourself used a word I was banned for using, because apparently it’s so insulting it shouldn’t ever be used. And you will twist the truth in knots to defend the fact that I was punished just for using the word tankie. Oops. There I go again. But I guess its okay to use again since you’re doing it.
Just pointing out your hypocrisy.
Ban this person for using a naughty word
My problem is that I hyperfocus and endlessly strategise but then forget in between turns so that every move takes me way too long, and then I always win, so I find playing games with people only makes them hate me :(
I’d rather protect the kids than have the internet the way I want.
Many kids have their own phones/devices long before high school, unsupervised internet access anytjme and many parents have no idea how to even set up parental controls or do the most basic things to protect them. Kids learn to lie about their age to sign up on social media platforms etc. Some parents think young kids have a right to privacy online. They’re very naive, the kids and parents.
I’ve known parents who don’t even have the password to their kid’s phone/device. They could be doing anything, and they are. Little kids make ‘jokes’ about selling feet pics (which is a grooming gateway). I’ve known a kid who had an older online ‘friend’ who sent them gifts to their home, though they’d never shared their address and even then no alarm bells went off. Its really mind boggling but its definitely not a good idea to trust parents to protect their kids online. I’m saying this as someone who had unsupervised internet access from the age of 11 - its not the same now.
Kids seeing sex isn’t so bad but kids seeing violent incest porn and whatever else? People have no idea what their kids are doing online and they’re watching it before they’re 10 years old.
This is my non - organisation system too… For everything which I don’t have to keep decently for some external purpose. Even though I also love to organise stuff ha.
I did manage to get everything onto a 2TB harddrive, so now I have decades of irregularly organised chaos (more or less, I lost some of it several times through not backing up) all in one place - yay!
Also, despite all intentions to the contrary, I’m doing exactly the same thing with my newer devices lol (that’s the hollow laughter of despair).
I’m not giving America any of my money right now.