The first thing I do with my isp provided modem is set it to bridge mode.
We just need to add I2P directly into the client in a way that’s transparent to the user and all the problems are solved.
why is port forwarding a premium feature? isn’t it just a setting on your router
There are providers that do not provide you your own IPv4 address, with a feature called “CGNAT”. Often, they will then block you from port-forwarding altogether.
that is wild, man
IPv6. My stupid ISP actually shipped their router with all inbound ipv6 blocked with no way to unblock it, so I set up opnsense. Works like a charm!
How does IPV6 makes port forwarding possible?
It’s not v6 itself, it’s rather lack of layers of nat that prevent forwarding a v4 for most folks.
Hmm, so no firewall in the router blocking ports, instead blocking happens on the actual client?
Port forwarding is necessary due to NAT not firewalls.
It’s not that your router blocks new incoming connections at port X, it’s that it does not know which local client it’s meant for, since it’s addressed to the public IP that is held by your router.
With IP6 it’s lan client also gets assigned a public IP6 address (as there are plenty) and so the router receives a connection addressed to a Lan client and knows where to route it.
I’m very uneducated about this stuff. How does IPV6 fix that issue?
It doesn’t fix it, per se, rather removes the need for layers of hacks such as nat and cg-nat. Every device gets a globally routable IP - no need to forward anything, just open the port you want.
The best solution IMO are seedboxes
We also have a community dedicated to them: !
I’ve never used port forwarding. Everything works fine
That’s for downloading, but it you want to upload/seed, then you would need port forwarding.
Can’t have 20+ tb in a seedbox at a reasonable price
Localhost NAS with large storage, Rclone to seedbox, synch, remove old content from seedbox
Source: I have 8TB rn and about to add more, this is how I use my seedbox and store shit
Only seeding new stuff that everyone else is also seeding is not good for torrenting in general, it will kill a lot of content that’s more than a few years old and/or not completely mainstream.
Yeah most seedboxers are just the new leechers of this generation… Keeping up their ratio about an unreasonable amount where they can leech everything they want without the need to give back…
They just stay for the necessary amount of time specified by their private tracker and leave the queue afterwards.
IMO seedboxes should have another rule associated to them… Straight to 1 month seeding time or get a hit&run warning !
I wouldn’t call them leechers since they are seeding back to build said ratio. I think it’d be more accurate to call them a single component of a larger ‘structure’ including people like myself who permaseed from home on a slower connection. If it were all people like me, we’d all be waiting days for new releases to fully download and if it were all seedboxes, we would have zero seeders for anything older than a month or two. Many private trackers incentivize long-term seeding to help control this imbalance, and I think it works well in my experience.
As someone who has recently started seeding as much as I can, this is a great question to which I don’t have the answer.
I am not renewing my Proton yearly subscription after it ends due to recent developments. They seem to be the only “big name” VPN with the port forwarding feature. I heard of OpenVPN, but have not had a chance to dig into it too much.
My ISP does not provide IPV6 support, so this will be pretty important to sort out soon.
I seem to be out of the loop in regards to proton controversy and I haven’t found anything outstanding against them…
Can you help me understand what you’re specifically referring to? I’m a proton user… so kinda want to know lol
as far as I can tell their CEO is a semi alt right cunt. Apart from that everythin seems pretty okay and the recent shift to nonprofit status is cool
😂 does everything have to be political now? I don’t care if the dude is a space alien who birthed Hitler, if the service is solid, I’m using it.
Everything has always been political. Just because you’re too privileged to notice that until someone mentions a viewpoint you dislike doesn’t mean anything except that you’re usually oblivious.
It has always been. FOSS is by itself political, just beyond the basic binary logic of left/right.
Your apoliticism is a political instance as well. Take for instance this quoute from Desmond Tutu “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
I’m not saying you have to ditch Proton over their CEO’s takes, my point is that thinking that everything suddenly became political is naive.
It’s all so tiring
How do you think the people that are directly affected feel about it?
Nobody said trying to lead an ethical life was a vacation
CEO is a libertarian idiot who can’t see any difference between American Republicans and Democrats. CEO doesn’t have absolute control of proton, that’s a board of other privacy advocates. Proton as a service provider is still safe despite their CEO being a political twit.
IMO: A libertarian who doesn’t understand any value in why a government could possibly be good is the kind of person I want running an encryption service company. Wouldn’t trust him for running anything else though.
Devils advocate: Both parties love the alphabet agencies unconditionally and historically saw no problem with them. Still waiting for the Snowden wrist slap to happen. He is a bigger idiot for not letting public relations for the company handle his opinion.
Proton as a service provider is still safe despite their CEO being a political twit.
That twit was allowed to use the company’s Mastodon account to double-down on his shitty political post
Yeah, I’ll wait for him to start telling Engineers that the encryption infrastructure has to be done his way. And telling the proton board that the engineers are all liars.