If space is always expanding, I’d really like to know if a time traveler would experience issues existing in a universe where the space between atoms is different from the one they left.
If space is always expanding, I’d really like to know if a time traveler would experience issues existing in a universe where the space between atoms is different from the one they left.
They can build their reputation, and be happy with it. Individualism is a lie to justify unequal distribution of resources.
Show me someone born on a deserted island, who built their entire world and infrastructure from the ground up as an individual, and you’ll have a case for someone who deserves all that they’ve built. For the rest of us, we are a species that builds on the works of all others who came before, and we succeed together.
The singular genius myth is a lie built to justify a race to the patent office, and dismiss multiple discovery.
I would argue a comfortable subsistence should be a right, and not require any work at all. And this taxation could provide the basics for everyone.
Yeah, I’ll admit it’s a bit arbitrary. Personally, I think $1 million per year max income, and $10 million is enough wealth for any one person to live a comfortable life and never work again. The extra zeros are an attempt to meet in the middle.
No one should be allowed to accumulate more than $100 million, period. And we should have a maximum income of $10 million per year, with no borrowing to get over that amount. Max inheritance of $10 million per beneficiary.
And the Dems will help the GOP do it.
Space itself is constantly expanding. Theories of the Big Rip predict the space between atomic particles could become vast enough to rip them apart.