just… awesome 👍
just… awesome 👍
lately it’s becoming hard to ignore how many of the tools i need for piracy, and for privacy in general, are facilitated in some way by right-leaning/far-right people.
it’s disappointing and a mindfuck.
Arctic allows reading deleted comments? that could be interesting in some cases
i feel you
you’re using Voyager too?
oop, I’m off topic sorry lol
I’ve been trying to keep less tabs open.
it’s not easy while test-driving multiple search engines for every search lol
i really distrust Google and I’m glad about the verdict. I do agree that chrome and android should be cut off models.
edit: cut off from advertising business models
on the other hand, like with Firefox, I’m worried about the instability and changes that are coming, mainly in the effect on fork projects Like Graphene, Calyx, Lineage, any privacy-focused Chrome forks, and of course Chromium.
DOJ probably isn’t able to guarantee chrome & potentially android are taken over by totally ethical, stable companies/NPOs who will keep the projects open source, or allow an open source offshoot project to which the new organization would still contribute coding people-hours.
I’m sure there will be some sort of guarantees for stock chrome and android users, like paid services/subscriptions will be continued or refunded.
but what about users of community projects based on chrome and Android?
many other Lemmy users have commented how community projects don’t really have the resources to keep browser engines up to date, let alone innovate. without Google (which i think is a good thing), Microsoft Edge team could become the de facto direction-setter of Chronium (which i think is really really really bad).
TL;DR the foss mobile OS community, and especially the foss browser community (considering Firefox funding shortfall and AI/ad revenue pursuits) are possibly f*ed in the a for the near term.
i agree with wanting see more of tab title. for people who regularly keep 50+ tabs open, that is a pipe dream.
if tabs are so many that their iconized anyway, making the tab bar vertical and iconized isn’t much difference.
and if the bar would expand on hover (hopefully in near future), like in Brave (not sure if it’s a Chrome feature), then it can be wide enough to see plenty of title without reducing the webpage size most of the time.
an easy example is that i searched an explicitly porn/sexual word but no porn was retrieved, only dictionary and encyclopedia entries about the word.
that would be fine there’s a setting to turn safe search on or off, but there’s no setting. the choice is not available.
just tried it. search results are crap. nothing accurate. Google’s fault yes, but still makes this unusable.
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