• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • Matrix doesn’t require self-hosting. There’s a very good host out there etke.cc. They take care of everything, are European, and you just have to connect. It’s 20€/month for hosting a medium sized server that can handle room with up to 3000 users (if I understand it correctly). They can bridge your server to other client services likes Google and Slack, and they can even bridge to WhatsApp and Signal meaning that people in your company could be added to rooms from WhatsApp or Signal. They even have an email bridge with which you can allow email users to chat in matrix rooms!

    There is of course no limit to how long meetings can be, matrix has a wide range of clients (of which element is the most popular).

    I would’ve recommended Element.io, but they have a “minimum number of users” 🤷

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • A few questions:

    • why do you have to SSH into a remote box?
    • do you know how the VM was created? can you recreate the dependencies?
    • which OS are you on?
    • you mention qtcreator - do you have remote desktop session?

    I ask these questions because my preliminary solutions without knowing all the details would be

    • recreate the VM locally, install the tools you need
    • mount the project on your machine with sshfs, use the tools you require locally
    • use the VM as a proxy if you’re using it to access an internal git to clone the repo to your local machine and use local tools there
    • create a remote desktop session and forward it locally either via ssh x11 forwarding or connect to it via some RDP client like remmina, krdc, or whatever your OS uses

    qtcreator has code completion btw, so you can use it for your development tasks.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • I’m curious about what @ryanleesipes@mastodon.social said about funding (can’t remember where in the video). There was some mention of Google’s money being a smaller percentage of the total funding and it’s not clear what that means. If it’s just “Google is giving us 400 million instead of 500 million”, that’s not really an issue, honestly. Companies I worked at had way less revenue than that and been able to do a lot with that (by underpaying people too, of course).

    What I can say with absolute certainty is that if Mozilla were single focus “We make a web browser and that’s it!”, money donated to Mozilla went to everything related to browsers e.g experiments for new browsers, writing a new browser engine in rust, making the engine embeddable in just about anything, providing an API to the browser for testing, experimenting with new languages in the browser, making the browser run on every platform and arch, expanding web standards for the new challenges ahead, and all that, I’d donate. But right now, Mozilla invests in ads, in collecting data, in AI, in paying CEOs millions, and a bunch of other shit tangentially, and quite often not at all, related to browsers. It’s like donating to the Breast Cancer foundation, expecting the majority of your money to go to research and finding out 80% of it goes to marketing, 18% to “awareness”, and 2% to research. No fucking way is my donation going there.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • I should probably write a blog post about it. Basically it’s there to possibly get commercial LLMs in trouble for scraping licensed stuff. LLMs have been tricked into revealing their training data and gotten in trouble for that. There are also ongoing lawsuits due to those revelations. Maybe the most notable is the one against Github’s Microsoft’s CoPilot for spitting out licensed (GPL and also copyrighted from private repos) code.

    Whether the lawsuits will be successful or not is yet to be determined (Japan already considers nearly everything fair game for training AIs and machine learning). Whether they will have an impact if they are successful is also unknown. It just costs me a key-stroke (and the occasional response to a friendly question like yours), so I do it 🤷 Once all my hope is lost, I might stop.

    From another answer. I highlighted the important part, which explains why the explicit link to the license text instead of it being implicit.

    Anti Commercial-AI license