Not yet, it lacks a lot of the features Signal has and does not even have a proper ipad ui yet, nor proper profile syncing between devices.
If it ever has these it might be useable by the masses, until then it’ll be only the interest of privacy nerds.
Though really the most important thing is its lack of audits and a transparency report like Signal has. How can we be sure that its encryption/other security is up to standards or they don’t hand over anything to cops/courts without these two things? These are what most messengers fail at, especially open source decentralised ones to be fair.
That’s not exactly what it means: http://wikibin.org/articles/anarcho-monarchism.html
Given that definition we wouldn’t exactly call them powerless.
Edit: This Reddit thread shines light on both ‘Anarcho-Monarchism’ and J.R.R Tolkien’s beliefs: https://reddit.com/r/monarchism/comments/pvkkjy/what_is_anarchomonarchism/