correlation vs causation is irrelevant. The important thing is that there are no absolutes.
polite leftists make more leftists
more leftists make revolution
correlation vs causation is irrelevant. The important thing is that there are no absolutes.
I notice your pronouns are she/her – are you a cis woman then?
Twist happy ending: the possum gets up and walks away. It was only playing dead.
This is an image with captions; usually these are meant as metaphors, jokes, fiction, or exaggerations.
It sounds fascist, especially when you phrase it that way, but it is not. My philosophy is that everyone has a right to live where they are born. Is it fascist to desire anything less than the eradication of Canada? IMO working for realistic, incremental, achievable improvements over the status quo (for instance) is not fascist.
Bro that’s so not the same as fascism. I don’t approve at all of Israel’s actions, I hate Zionism, but I don’t believe it’s a given that Israel must be eradicated. I’m disappointed by AOC’s stance on Israel and Palestine, but I would not say it is fascism at all. If you think that advocating for an “immediate cease-fire and de-escalation” is anything like fascist Zionism then you need a reality check.
I am always trying to shift people left. But there just aren’t enough of us yet.
Until such a time as a socialist revolution seems plausible, I still prefer to see progressive liberals in power over conservatives.
Of course you do. If every leftist converts one person to leftism…