only for a little while and, even then, very poorly, with diminishing returns the longer you do it.
only for a little while and, even then, very poorly, with diminishing returns the longer you do it.
oh god, windows 95/98/2000! netscape!! geocities!!! this brings back SO MANY memories. lol
i started doing this to my new employer who pays less than half of what my previous employers did and let’s just say that i have A LOT of time on my hands now. lol
same with my dog, except he made eye contact with me to make sure that i was watching when he did it, like he was getting some sort of revenge. lol
Harm reduction had led is to our first openly fascist President.
my favorite establishment has mirrors that were focused on the trough style urinal; making peeing an unavoidably public viewing and forcing everyone to acknowledge that peeing is happening. lol
i liked it because it straight men are too afraid to use it and either waited in line for the sole suite bathroom next door or held it in the entire time while the rest of us had quick access.
it’s not crazy; it’s ackowledging the absurdity that there’s no real choice and examples like mexico w shienbaum & amlo proved that it’s easily possible once you stop uncritically swallowing this type of propaganda.
your point misses THE point; nothing is being cancelled; and incrementalism only serves to perpetuate our unjust society.
the way you describe authoritarian movements and mass genociders as “imperfect personalities” is an unironic and unaware manifestation of the our blessed homeland meme
you advocate for critical thinking and learning from history without acknowledging that your own country is an authoritarian oligarchical regime that denies its victims the necessary education that would teach the history and critical thinking they need and it has lead the election of an openly authoritarian president who seeks control; as all presidents in the past have done; and it will lead to more.
i don’t know what your education is like, so i don’t know what you learned in elementary school about these founder’s crimes against humanity; but if it’s anything like how most american voters’ education of these men, it’s seriously lacking on this topic.
reddit: definately, but lemmy: not so much
you have buses so you’re lucky. lol
and the entirety of kern county felt like a west coast version of the new jersey turnpike
i’m aware of this and it only makes me wonder at why the admins seemingly don’t bother to keep to track.
if you walk there, it becomes a much bigger part of your day too. lol
i haven’t noticed any and i learned yesterday that i’m must put a custom rom on it to get it to work in this country; so there’s room for modification if something doesn’t work for you.
distraction/diversion are little pieces of heaven that make life worthwhile in this painful and difficult world if you’re not born into wealth or lucky circumstances; keep doing it no matter what other people say if it works for you and doesn’t cause harm or loss to others.
i got downvoted heavily for creating my own home router based on linux; but it works well (most of the time) and it has given me a project to focus on when i’ve needed the distraction myself many times.
you’re missing the point and no nation’s founder’s character is unassailable.
we give grand canyon sized passes to these specific founders to white wash their truly horrific behaviors (that we know about); but don’t do the same thing for founders that we consider our enemies and that’s indicative of the propaganda that we keep perpetuating when we repeat this whitewashing to each other; as well as the reason why we’re descending into fascism.
no one is immune to propaganda so, yes, you are part of the problem like i am; the only difference is that me along with most of the people commenting on this post are aware of this specific propaganda and you’re not; hopefully unwittingly so.
How do you know they’re down voting you?
Yes, Democrats are bizarre and stupid so any take inspired by them is precisely that; but it needs to be said for the fools who agree w them to serve as a mirror.
They’re elected for a reason; if we have to spearhead the action, then they’re pointless and shouldnt be there
rotflmao!!! i forgot that existed!