Wolfstrap was what I was going for.
Wolfstrap was what I was going for.
What does Darwin have to do with enslavement of the human species?
When I was younger, I tried to design an universal constructor.
Unfortunatelly, I was using Roblox studio to do this.
How’s that for insanity?
I also carved a log with a knife, hacking off pieces in an attempt to make a 3D printer
It’s simple: teach everyone to make everything they need for themselves, so they can’t be expoited
I’m sorry, but right-wing is more than just voting to keep traditions. It’s a restrictive, anti-rights deathcult in every way. It’s really hard to see the upsides if you squint.
I had 500 ml of an energy drink. I wonder what you have to say to that.
Decent architect trying to be a painter
40K is actually a brighter universe than our real life one. The Emperor might just win and make some sort of heaven on Terra for humanity, becoming a techpriest can make you immortal, there is an actual afterlife and source of free energy.
Meanwhile, we are doomed to be captured and tortured by Rocko’s Basilisk in real life, and the universe is doomed to repeat in cruel cycles.
We have been here before.