3 days ago*Looking at the senior devs JavaScript code
My God, it even has a watermark.
Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman
*Looking at the senior devs JavaScript code
My God, it even has a watermark.
Bandcamp, even though it’s ownership is questionable at this point, still has Bandcamp Fridays where the artist gets 100% of the sale, and they let you download DRM-free high quality FLAC files.
This is for all those who don’t like this, and want to demand DRM-free files.
ROCm SOCm robots?
I always somehow miss when it stops working and by the time I go to YouTube again it’s already working again.
Blessings to Gorhill
Just be careful running a Tor node and what kind of data could be flowing through your machine… It’s Tor… so some of the data can be pretty fuckin unsavory while other data can be political dissidents who need safety.