Sure, just don’t take out college loans for a useless degree. I have a BSc in Computer Science and it is basically completely useless right now. I can’t even land a shitty help desk job that pays fast food wages right now
Sure, just don’t take out college loans for a useless degree. I have a BSc in Computer Science and it is basically completely useless right now. I can’t even land a shitty help desk job that pays fast food wages right now
I applied to 600 jobs last year, had 30 interviews, and only had 1 job offer that was revoked after Emperor Elon took over. Things have been completely hellish for me.
More like a global depression that governments won’t admit was a depression because the economy is completely shareholder centric with very little consideration for workers. New grads did the occupy Wallstreet protests because they spent multiple years unable to find a job. It was a nightmare that destroyed the lives of countless working class people
In what way are possums pests anywhere?
When did the french become such insatiable bootlickers? As long as billion dollar corporations are still making billions then they should be told to kindly fuck off.
Readable code is especially important when companies lay people off every six months so you constantly lose expertise