No…? Is this a reference to something I’m not getting…?
No…? Is this a reference to something I’m not getting…?
I may or may not have grabbed this said torrent pack several years ago in anticipation of this exact erasure
Guess archive can host these how for free without infringing anything right WB?
I hate that torrentfreak completely airs this out in the open
I rented Flow even though I could pirate it
Reward indies
FYI for everyone, RED is a private tracker
Not watching self promotion here…(Maybe that’s why you were ratio’d?) But I will say that too much fan service in a show can be distracting especially when a show is trying to be emotional or make a statement. It pulls me out of it a little bit. I liked Alya Speaks in Russian but the weird part with the hypnosis and stripping just was a little jarring especially with the subject matter from the other episodes. If you’re going to do fan service in a show like that it needs to be subtle like in Frienren or go all out like what Konosuba or “The Legendary Hero is Dead” did.
Your anger bait generalization title, “click me to see if I’m wrong”, with “everybody” is very likely the reason why you’re getting down voted into oblivion.
See that’s what I was thinking first when I googled it but thought it could’ve have been that
. I mean it seems fine to me?