I’m 48. Last year, during a period of unemployment, I decided that to kill time I wanted to create a 3D aircraft model for my flight simulator (X-Plane). I had dabbled in Blender in the past, but nothing too in depth. So I sat down and just did it.
Some of the features I wanted to implement required plugins that had to made with Lua (a programming language) so again…I just did it.
Age and learning have nothing to do with each other. Regardless of the topic. I feel like maybe the only valid reason that such ideas took hold is because the older we get, the less time we have to focus on learning new things, and so it can seem as though we can’t learn, when in reality we just don’t have the time to. That’s certainly what I found to be the case personally. It wasn’t until I had literally nothing else to do that I could focus on really learning 3D Modelling and basic programming.
The solution to that, that I found, was to be project based. I wouldn’t have made as much progress if I didn’t specifically have some thing I wanted to make, whether that’s an app, a 3D model, or whatever.
Apple will keep charging whatever their marketing department can convince idiots to pay.
Their profit margin has zero basis in the reality of how much it costs to design, build, and market a particular product and is instead a function of how high they can push it until their customer says no.
That’s why they have the spare cash to produce goddamn television shows… That they THEN make you pay to watch!
IPhone users have already paid for appleTV a thousand times over. But hey, gotta look cool in front of your coworkers I guess.