You lot had some shite managers. All of mine have been great. Well… almost all of mine…
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You lot had some shite managers. All of mine have been great. Well… almost all of mine…
That’s up to the parents to do. Not up to the government to do. That’s not the government’s job. That’s the parents’ job. I do agree that devices shouldn’t be added to the school’s curriculum until later, instead of at kinder as it is now. But legally banning phones for <14 is offloading responsibility to an entity that should never have that responsibility.
So… 100,000 parents decided they didn’t want to parent and would rather the “guvment” do the parenting for them and for the rest of the country?..
I do this on Mint without windows 10 or the official Kindle app. Is the Kindle app to download directly from Amazon?
They do. But I mean, those parameters were written so beautifully, it was like reading an excerpt from a fantasy novel. It was thoroughly enjoyable.
I gotta be honest here… reading the full generation parameter description was as beautiful, if not more so, than the actual result. I know that’s not the point of these posts, but this was very poetically written.
Edit: autocorrect
:( hopefully her partner can leave soon, too, and they can go to a liberated country where they (I’m assuming both female, based on the video intro) can love and live in peace and happiness.
…not many of those countries left, I’m afraid.
That was an interesting concept. I hope Wu is able to get out of that country :(
We live in hell-world.
Yes. Yes, we do.
Edit: replied to gur wrong comment. Sorry
Thanks for these!