I’m pretty sure. I think. I can’t find a core2.dat in my Linux filesystem so i assume it works some other way, and therefore it’s cooked.

The reason i want to do this is because transplanting core2.dat is what you usually do to recover your settings and transfers. I this case though i’ve installed it on my Linux PC so i don’t think this is going to work.

I’ve resorted to exporting all magnets and re-importing them, but that has a few drawbacks.

I’ll update if i find better solutions. So far, if you want to transfer your Tixati from Windows to Linux, my advice is probably don’t

UPDATE: with help in this thread, i’ve figured it out. Here’s a summary for future reader convenience.

You use the Import Export feature, honestly i don’t know why i ever transplanted core2.dat when this is available. It saves everything, including stats such as Created, Completed, Bits uploaded, Ratio, etc

Now file paths in Linux start with /media instead of starting with D: so all the file location settings will be broken; you have to rebind them. If, like me, you had all your torrents sorted into folders, that’s a pain because now you have to do them all one by one. Maybe it’s better to move them all into one folder while still in Windows.

At this point i got some “error file missing” for no reason, force checking fixed all of that.

Another problem i had is that some transfers that were 100% became 99%. That, i believe, is due to file corruption. The same transfers also had the same problem in Windows with nothing changed so i don’t think they were broken by the process above. It sucks, only solution i can think of is to hope someone comes around and seeds them, which isn’t going to happen for me and my hoard of dead torrents.

It occurs to me that the import/export feature of Tixati outputs a file, and you can probably edit that file to your convenience before inputting it back into Tixati. You can edit the file paths right there, but you can’t fix the 99% torrents because they’ll be revealed as broken the moment you make them seed.

That’s all in know on this topic, good luck