Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first.
The republicans are not diametrically opposed to the democrats, they’re just the same shit but more brash, and (with Trump at the helm) too fucking incompetent to not say the quiet part out loud, maybe because they know their base is so rabid on American fascism that dogwhistles aren’t enough anymore, they need a fucking trumpet.
Not three months ago Gaza had a death toll well past fifty thousand by the most conservative estimates, not to mention the huge amounts of women and children maimed, malnourished and the wholesale destruction of the entire strip’s infrastructure.
Did the republicans do that or did y’all deny reality so much in the pursuit of tHe mOsT iMpOrTanT ElEctiOn oF oUr LiFeTimE that you don’t know what fucking color the sky is unless you ask the DNC first.
The republicans are not diametrically opposed to the democrats, they’re just the same shit but more brash, and (with Trump at the helm) too fucking incompetent to not say the quiet part out loud, maybe because they know their base is so rabid on American fascism that dogwhistles aren’t enough anymore, they need a fucking trumpet.
so you prefer trump and putin in power?
did the republicans do it? of course they did. the US has been funding israel for a long time.
See? Perfect example.
Without the republicans, Dems would have no one to hide behind when their many genocides are recounted.
so how does peace look to you? 1967 border?
Are you at all able to communicate with others without resorting to deflection and loaded questions?