Flip side of the coin, I had a sysadmin who wouldn’t increase the tmp size from 1gb because ‘I don’t need more than that recommended size’. I deploy tons of etl jobs, and they download gbs of files for processing to this globally known temp storage. I got it changed for one server successfully after much back and forth, but the other one I just overrode it in my config files for every script.
For some reason I love this meme.
Yeah, almost certainly the software only uses 4GB because it limits itself to what memory it has available.
I have seen this conversation pan out a few times already. It has always been because of that, and once expanded things work much better. (Personally I have never took party at one, I guess that’s luck.)
Does the OS really eat up 7GB RAM?
Oh, ok, I overlooked it has space to grow. This is one conversation I’ve never seen.