No! No! It cant be that way. I want to spend hours screaming at my computer. Because fusion 360 is having problems finding my licence key!
Thats too easy, give me more difficultly Make canceling a painful process. Only 14 more emails and a USPS certified mail letter to go! Thanks adobe i love spending hours doing a simple task! (This is satirical)
I don’t understand much of what you said, but the seething underlying anger is funny and relatable
Me at work tryimg to open STEP file or STL with Catia… “sorry, all licenses are currently unavailable”.
Blender + FreeCAD which run despite SW installation restrictions on the work PC: " :) I’ve got you!"
Just use your package manager. No need for this zip file nonsense.
That’s what big package manager wants you to think‽
…where can I find this big package manager? For a friend…